We’re proud to announce our donation agreement with Pact – an organisation dedicated to helping marginalized communities around the world

In July this year, as part of our commitment to giving back to those in the jewellery supply chain less fortunate than ourselves, EJA signed an agreement with the multinational charitable organisation, Pact.

As it turns out we are the first Australian jewellery company to make this kind of commitment to Pact, and we think that’s kinda special.

Image of Pact representative providing field support for women miners in East Africa

Among many things, Pact supplies field support for women miners in East Africa

Pact works with marginalised communities all around the world focusing on issues like health and education, empowerment of women, reducing the incidents of child labour and a host of other extremely worthwhile initiatives.

In particular, EJA is supporting Pact’s Mines to Markets program which is designed to help artisanal miners in developing countries improve their safety standards and negotiate better and fairer pricing for the gemstones, diamonds and precious metals they produce. Pact also works at a regional government level on the bigger issues like human rights and economic empowerment for artisanal & small-scale mining communities.

Cristina Villegas, artisanal mining and sourcing expert and Director of Mining at Pact wrote;

“We are deeply grateful for Ethical Jewellery Australia for becoming Pact’s first Australian jewellery partner. Every donation helps us work at the frontier of responsible sourcing in jewellery.

“With Ethical Jewellery Australia’s support, we have been working with women gem miners in East Africa to help them improve their mining and reach mining standards they would have not otherwise achieved. One third of all gem miners are women, but they are deeply underserved. We are delighted that through each purchase, EJA is connecting Australian women to East African women, linking mine to market in a truly beautiful way.”

Our commitment is to donate $10 from every sale to the Mines to Markets program.

Even though we go to great lengths to make our jewellery as ethical as possible, we felt that we needed to do more than just produce an ethical product.

As you probably already know, we commit part of every sale and arrange to plant two trees for every piece of jewellery we sell as a way of offsetting some of our carbon cost. But this new initiative with Pact enables us to give something directly to those small, struggling communities that supply the jewellery industry with precious metals and gorgeous gemstones – often working in dangerous conditions for little reward.

It took us quite a while to find the right organisation to work with, and we chose Pact specifically because of their Mines to Markets program. It helps exactly those people most at risk in the jewellery supply chain.

It’s early days, but eventually we hope to be donating many thousands of dollars to Pact each year. Their work is very relevant to our core values and it feels like we’re really doing some good by giving back in this way.

You can learn more about everything Pact does at

If you would like to contact us about what we’re doing with Pact, click here to email us.